Ready for an energetic cleanse?✨
Oct 29, 2024
I've got to share something that's been on my mind ...
Last week, I found myself getting really agitated on social media. You know when you’re scrolling, and someone’s comment just hits you the wrong way? That was me 🫣
In particular, there was a series of posts from someone in my industry that really rubbed me the wrong way. She was basically dishing the dirt on other coaches, saying that lots of them aren’t scrupulous (which, ok, may be true for some), but what really P’d me off was how she positioned herself—like her way was the only right way and everyone else was wrong - there was lots of guilt tripping in her words😤 Ugh. I’m all about integrity and kindness, and those posts felt like the total opposite of both. You’ve heard me say it a thousand times: there’s no single ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to do things, but this just felt off. It especially stung because she claims to be a spiritual, heart-centred leader, yet I wasn’t seeing much heart in her words.
Anyhoo, after sitting with why this triggered me so much, I realised something (other than it clashing with my values big time!) — it’s about energy. I want to be surrounded by people, content, and conversations that align with my values. And those posts are not it. So, I hit the unfollow button. Not just on her, but on about 300 other accounts that aren’t currently adding value to my life. I’m all about being discerning with the energy I allow into my world, and social media is no exception.
I took it a step further too and stayed off socials for the past week. And guess what? I didn’t miss it! (Ok, I did miss seeing what my friends have been doing and sharing some of the fun stuff I’ve been up to, like creating new offerings, building my labyrinth, going on geology expeditions to learn more about the land I now live on, and getting to know the locals). But honestly, I didn’t miss the barrage of ads, sales pitches, and noise telling me how I ‘should’ be living my life.
This got me thinking: why not take my energetic clean-up further? So, I’ve been doing a cleanse of my online community too. If you’re reading this, you didn’t receive the ‘Are we still vibing?’ email. I’ve been tidying up my email list, clearing out subscribers who haven’t been opening my emails. I totally get it—we all sign up for a ton of things and then forget why! But I want this space to feel good for both of us. If my emails aren’t adding any spark to your life, feel free to hit unsubscribe. Of course, I’d love for you to stick around, but no hard feelings if it’s time for us to part ways.
Here’s what I’ve experienced from this energetic clean-up so far:
- I feel so much lighter and freer.
- I’m not consumed by stuff that doesn’t align with what’s important to me
- I’m enjoying deeper connections with people I truly vibe with.
- I feel empowered—taking back control and clearing out those lingering energy vampires!
Where in your life could you do an energetic clean-up? It might be your social media feed, your physical space, or even the people you spend time with 🫢
Here are some prompts to help you get started:
1 Thing to Heal Your Past:
- What’s one lingering energy drain you can release today that’s no longer serving you?
1 Thing to Live in the Present:
- How can you be more intentional with the energy you allow into your life right now?
1 Thing to Create the Future of Your Dreams:
- What small step can you take this week to align with the energy of the future you want to create?
Let’s clear out what’s not serving us and make space for the juicy, aligned, and beautiful things that are ready to flow into our lives. ✨
And before I sign off, I just want to say a great big thank you for being here. I truly value you, and it means the world to me that you're part of this amazing community 🌟
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