Is your heart trying to tell you something
Oct 10, 2024
I'm listening to my heart ... are you listening to yours?
Unless you've been living under a rock (or haven’t read my blogs😲), you know I’ve been on quite the rollercoaster this year. But something big has been shifting lately, and I’m starting to tune into the whispers of what’s next… it's exciting, and a little scary, but it's time to listen.
Without sounding like a broken record, I’m absolutely loving my sanctuary by the sea. It is beyond what I ever could have imagined… and believe me, I imagined it being pretty amazing!
My entire nervous system has slowed down, and the healing has been profound. The energy of our beautiful property and the whole area we now live in feels truly magical. And it’s not just me being biased—everyone who comes to visit tells me there’s something special and peaceful about this place. It’s as if the land itself is holding us all in its gentle embrace.
I’m here because I had a dream. And I followed that dream, despite the ups and downs, because it tugged at my heart in a way that felt undeniable. It was the dream I couldn’t shake, the one that lingered in my mind day and night. I got really clear on what I wanted, and I took the steps to make it happen.
And the dream doesn't stop now that I’m here. There’s an evolution to it. Just like the initial dream of moving to this sanctuary, I’m feeling that familiar tug at my heart again, nudging me toward something new and exciting. The vision of running beautiful retreats and events from our property is calling me, just as strongly as the dream of creating this home did years ago. Alongside this, I feel an even deeper pull to share more of my spiritual journey and the wisdom I’ve gathered over the years. It’s as though both are intertwined—creating a space not just for connection and growth, but for sharing the deeper spiritual practices that have guided me.
So, I’m going through the same process I’ve used before to bring this new dream to life. Here’s a little peek into how I’m navigating this next chapter:
- Listening to My Heart – I’m giving myself the time and space to truly listen. Just like before, I’m paying attention to that deep tug that tells me what my next steps are. This isn't just about the practical details; it's about listening to that deeper insight and connection.
- Getting Clear on the Vision – I’m once again focusing on getting crystal clear about what I truly want. What do these events and retreats look and feel like? Who are they for? How will they elevate, inspire, and bring more magic and meaning to those who attend? And how do I want to explore and share the deeper aspects of Spirituality through these experiences?
- Creating Space – Just like when we created our sanctuary, I’m making space—physically, emotionally, and energetically. I'm clearing the path, both in my surroundings and within myself, to allow these new visions to take shape.
- Trusting the Process – I remind myself that the how will unfold, just like it did with the dream of moving here. I don’t need to have all the answers right now; I just need to stay connected to my heart and the divine timing.
- Taking Aligned Action – Whether it’s planning, organising, or laying the groundwork, I’m taking small, intentional steps toward this new dream. Each step feels exciting because I know it’s aligned with my heart’s calling.
- Surrendering and Letting Go – As much as I love planning, I’m also staying open to the magic of how it will all unfold. I know from experience that the Universe often delivers in ways even more beautiful than we could have ever planned! So, I’m letting go of the need to control every detail and staying open to even more beauty and possibility.
And here’s what’s unfolding: This evolution of my dream feels like it’s bringing me even closer to who I am and what I’m here to do. The retreats and events are going to be a natural extension of everything I’ve been building—an opportunity to connect with others, share in the magic of this place, and help others connect with their heart’s desires too.
What about you?
What’s your heart communicating with you right now? Is there a dream or a vision that’s been tugging at you, even if it feels far away or hard to imagine?
Here are a few reflection prompts for you this week to help tune into what your heart might be saying:
1 Thing to Heal the Past:
- What is your heart telling you to release—an old belief or emotional wound—that no longer serves the life you're ready to create?
1 Thing to Live in the Present:
- How can you listen to your heart today and honour exactly where you are, even if the path forward isn’t totally clear yet?
1 Thing to Create the Future of Your Dreams:
- What small, heart-led action can you take this week to move closer to the future your heart is guiding you toward?
Your heart knows what’s next for you—it’s just a matter of listening, trusting, and taking those small, aligned steps. I’m here cheering you on as you follow what tugs at your heart.
If you’d like to dive deeper into aligning with your heart and creating the life you're dreaming of, download my free resource, STOP CHASING, START ATTRACTING—it’s filled with tips to help you move from chasing after life to effortlessly attracting what’s meant for you. Download it here
And if you’re ready to explore your next steps, book in for a Connection Call with me. It’s a relaxed, no-pressure chat to see how I can help you bring your dreams to life. Book here.
Sunshine & great big hugs.
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