Your future self will thank you for reading this
Nov 11, 2024
Are you ready to transform your life?
Let's play a little game. Close your eyes for a moment and ask yourself:
"What do I really, truly, madly, deeply want in life?"
Go on, I'll wait... 😉
How did that feel? Did the answer pop right up like a jack-in-the-box, or was it more like trying to catch a slippery fish? Maybe you're somewhere in between, with a hint of an idea but not quite able to put it into words. Or perhaps you're thinking, "I want XYZ, but I can't have it because ABC."
Do you want to know a juicy ingredient in the secret sauce to living your best life?
Get. Crystal. Clear.
It's time to ditch the wishy-washy, excuse-laden, "yeah, but" world and step into the magical realm of possibility!
Allow yourself to dream BIG, wish WILDLY, and want BOLDLY. Trust me, it's a game-changer!
When I got clear about what I wanted, you know what happened? Life didn't just meet my expectations – it blew them out of the water!
My reality now is way, WAY better than anything I could have imagined from where I started. And not just for my gorgeous Sanctuary by the Sea, but all the things I’ve hoped and wished for in all areas of my life.
So, here's your mission (should you choose to accept it):
Start getting clearer about what you want. You don't need a crystal-clear vision right away but set that intention to bring your dream life into reality.
Ditch the "it's fine for you, but..." mindset. That's just your inner victim talking, and we're kicking that to the curb!
Stay in your lane. Create the life YOU want, not a carbon copy of someone else's.
Embrace the "I think I can" attitude. Like my good buddy, Henry Ford said, “if you think you can or you think you can't – you're right!”
Sure, there might be obstacles in your way right now. But it doesn't have to stay that way forever! When you approach life with an empowered mindset, and set your intention you want to change, you'll be amazed at how doors start swinging open. When you decide, life responds!
Ready to kick-start your journey to clarity? Here are some powerful prompts for the week:
1 thing to heal the past:
- Reflect on a past decision where you lacked clarity.
- Write down how having a clearer vision might have changed things and embrace the wisdom you've gained.
1 thing to live in the present:
- Start a daily "clarity journal." Each morning, write down one thing you're crystal clear about wanting in your life.
1 thing to create the future of your dreams:
- Create a vision board or ideal scene that represents your ideal life. Let your imagination run wild! No 'yeah buts' allowed!
Just in case you need a reminder: You beautiful, capable, amazing human – you've got this! Your dream life is waiting for you to claim it. So, get clear, get excited, and get ready for magic to happen!
Here's to clarity, dreams, and the extraordinary life that's just around the corner for you!
P.S. I'd absolutely LOVE to hear what you really want in life! Hit that reply button and share your dreams with me. Let's celebrate your clarity together!
Big love and endless possibilities,
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